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Composed of building professionals and experts from Taiwan, Hong Kong, the United States, Great Britain and China, Environetics Design Group China Co., Ltd. (edg) was set up in 1994 to serve the rapidly emerging building market of the new China. Our professional and diversified staff provide expert services in the following disciplines to meet client's needs at every stage of interior fit-out projects. interior design quantity survey and value engineering construction engineering services project management consulting services facility management and building maintenance edg specializes in commercial, boutique, financial, hospitality, medical and residential interior fit-outs. edg brings the most current building methodologies and technologies to each project. Our strong client portfolio, demonstrates that we are successful at meeting project goals. We are a nationwide firm with professionals that can meet all of your companys needs, and we perform work in a variety of locations throughout China. Our diversity and international experience allows us to be sensitive to cultural differences and allows us to provide our clients with efficient and effective solutions.

康新(中国)设计工程股份有限公司自1994年进入中国大陆,结合了来自台湾、香港、美国、英国及大陆的建筑及设计专业人士,因应中国大陆经济改革及各式建筑的迅速发展,为这一新兴市场提供专业服务。康新的专业人士,将竭诚为您提供下列各阶段的室内设计工程服务:室内设计、工程估价及价值分析、工程施工及机电服务、工程管理、顾问咨询 设施管理及工程维修康新专长于办公室、商业空间、精品店、金融、医疗及住宅等领域的设计与施工。其丰富的跨国设计与施工经验,能给每一个项目都带来最先进的建筑技术及施工方法。为满足中国各地及各类顾客之需要,康新致力于建成为一流的全国性公司。无论在任何时候、在中国任何地方,康新都能提供优秀的设计及施工品质服务。康新多样化的背景和跨国经验使得我们的沟通更为顺畅,能提供给客户最直接、最有效的高品质服务。


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